webGuinée/Septembre 28, 2009 massacre/United Nations International Commission Report
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Septembre 28, 2009 Massacre
Report of the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry
mandated to establish the facts and circumstances
of the events of 28 September 2009 in Guinea
United Nations S/2009/693 — Security Council
18 December 2009
Letter of the Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council
- Introduction
- Introduction
- The process of establishment of the International Commission of Inquiry
- Terms of reference of the Commission of Inquiry on Guinea
- Composition of the Commission
- Methodology used by the Commission
- Legal framework
- Domestic law
- International human rights law
- International criminal law
- Structure and organization of the security forces involved in the events of 28 September 2009
- The National Police
- The army and the National Gendarmerie
- The special services, drug control and organized crime units
- Presidential security
- Civilian militias
- Facts
- Context of the events of 28 September
- From independence to the regimes of Sékou Touré and Lansana Conté
- Human rights violations committed in 2007
- Coup d’état of December 2008
- The call for a demonstration on 28 September and the Government’s response
- Context of the events of 28 September
- Details of the events of 28 September
- Start of the rally
- First incidents
- Opening of the stadium and movements of political leaders
- Events inside the stadium and within the complex
- The political leaders
- Subsequent incidents
- Description of the violations committed on 28 September and in the immediate aftermath
- Description of the attack
- Summary executions and attempted executions
- Forced disappearances
- Rape and other forms of sexual violence
- Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
- Arbitrary arrest and illegal detention
- Systematic robbery, looting and extortion
- Restriction of access to medical assistance
- Reaction of the Government to the events
- The events as described by the authorities
- Activation of the National Health Crisis Committee
- Establishment of the National Commission of Inquiry
- Legal proceedings
- Concealment of the facts
- Qualification of the violations and crimes
- Violations of human rights
- Violations of international criminal law
- Constituent elements of crimes against humanity
- The attack
- Its widespread or systematic nature
- The civilian population
- Prior knowledge of the attack
- Conclusion with regard to crimes against humanity
- Specific crimes
- Responsibilities
- Responsibilities of the Guinean State for violations of human rights
- Responsibilities of the security forces
- Responsibilities and duties of the Guinean State
- Responsibilities of the Guinean State for violations of human rights
- Individual responsibility for violations of international criminal law
- General principles
- Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, President of Guinea
- Lieutenant Aboubacar Chérif Diakité (alias Toumba)
- Commander Moussa Tiégboro Camara
- Other responsible persons
- Other responsibilities to be determined
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Detailed conclusions and recommendations
- Summary of recommendations
“September 28” Sports Stadium
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Fulbright Scholar. Rockefeller Foundation Fellow. Internet Society Pioneer. Smithsonian Research Associate.