November 10, 1958
The people of Guinea by their overwhelming vote of September 28, 1958, rejected domination and, in so doing, acquired their national independence and became a free and sovereign state.
The State of Guinea adheres fully to the Charter of the United Nations and to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It proclaims the equality and solidarity of all its citizens without distinction as to race, sex or creed.
It affirms its will to utilize every means possible to realize and consolidate unity within the independence of all Africa. To this end it will fight against all tendencies and manifestations of chauvinism which it considers as serious obstacles to the realization of this aim.
It expresses its desire to form bonds of friendship with all peoples based on the principles of equality, reciprocal interest and mutual respect of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
It upholds unreservedly all policies tending towards the creation of a United States of Africa and the safeguarding and consolidation of world peace.
The principle of the Republic of Guinea is: Government of the people, by the people and for the people.
English translation of Journal Officiel No. 3 of November 12, 1968.